Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions below apply to all health coaching services provided by Melissa Hernandez-Dobkin of Wellness in HD LLC to any individual or organization and constitute the contract for the service to be provided by Melissa Hernandez-Dobkin for the client. The term ‘coaching’ as here used covers integrative health coaching and wellness plans for clients.

In the spirit of good practice, you are asked to confirm that you have read and agreed to each statement below when purchasing services and that you wish to proceed.

All services and communication, email or otherwise, delivered by myself, Melissa Hernandez-Dobkin, as well as information on this website (wellnessinhd.com) are meant to help you work through health hurdles and symptoms – to use a personalized, holistic approach to rebalance the body. Integrative Health Coaching of Wellness in HD does not diagnose or treat disease. Rather, we find the root cause to your body’s imbalances and work to heal holistically. Integrative Health coaching is not a substitute for professional medical care.